Who we are

Liebe's home of home is a certified human services agency specializing in supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide person-centric and community-centric services designed to empower and enrich the lives of the people we support and serve through skill development and enhancement, community life, advocacy while honoring their preferences, choices and abilities to pursue their own dreams. 

Our team professionals and caregivers are compassionate, highly trained, and ready to help lift your loved ones to new heights in whichever ways they need.

Liebe's home of hope is passionate about providing care and empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to reach their fullest potentials and aspirations.


Our mission is to support, encourage and empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through the development of skills, community integration, advocacy, and the support they need to pursue their own dreams so that they can lead lives of learning and fulfillment.



We give the same respect to every human being including our clients no matter their abilities or disabilities.


We take pride in what we do and we are passionate people who love to see a better world around us.


We are only satisfied when the result of our works is no less than the highest goals we can envision.


Because looking after our cients and making sure they have all they need is very important for us.

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+61 3 8376 6284

Porttitor aptent
mollis massa lorem pulvinar

Lobortis quisque sagittis tempor mauris non laoreet aptent aliquam vivamus donec viverra commodo nostra integer ultrices id nulla lorem in purus taciti

Curabitur viverra vulputate mi utin